Saturday, July 21, 2012

Zombie apocalypse, skins and bad desicions

I think I spelled desicions wrong. Oh well, anyways I've been watching too many videos about zombies on youtube. I realized when you see people in zombie movies, the people that are always alone are usually unprepared survivors. Not all of them but it seems like I see more survivors that don't look prepared. Oh and the title doesnt really have to do with anything, it just sounded cool at the moment. You know what would be cool, if there was a zombie apocalypse. IF there were to be one, honestly I would either A)Be alone B)Be in a very small group. Honestly I dont think I would want any women in my group, maybe if we were to cross paths then we could have some fun. But I wouldn't want a chick to stay in my group because they can't control their emotions, have their periods, and panic and fuck everybody over. I would make my home base at like a school because they can usually be really locked up well, If those were taken over then I would go for a much smaller remote location. Better yet I knock down the stairs to my apartment then create a rope/ladder to get up it. In terms of food, I would do what i've learned from all the hours of watching survival shows. (Holy shit, I just saw a commercial from the gov't about making a bug out bag for an emergency, the odds of that happening while i'm typing this.) I'm planning on making a few bug out bags once I get my car and own place. Oh and I would probaly smoke weed all day

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