Saturday, July 7, 2012


I'm pissed off right now, but i'm just trying to chill out.... I was really looking forward to todays party. But unfortunatly it was cancelled. Parents. Kind of losing hope in this whole "best summer of my life" idea. I mean it barely started but its not starting off great. It's suckin pretty damn bad to be honest. That dude i met up with that was suppose to be my wingman... I thought this dude was atleast 23. But I was VERY disappointed to meet a 5'4 180 pound fat,brown and on the ground 17 year old. Dude... thanks for getting my hopes up of finding a good wingman. This kid was like on cocaine or something, i fkin swear, he wouldn't stop looking around. I knew he was insecure, but he kept trying to give ME advice. WTF. Dude this kid kept telling me to "not think about approaching". BUT THE FKIN HYPICRITE DIDNT APPROACH WHEN I TOLD HIM TOO. What pissed me off even more is that he swears hes good at it, but he got rejected 10/10. AND im suppose to believe he got 4 numbers the day before... I'm not mad that he got rejected alot and sucks at pickup. Im mad that hes a cocky little fuck that oversells himself than what he really is. DROP YOUR EGO KID, ADMIT YOUR NOT GOOD. Humility is much more respected than a man who brags, but a man who brags about nothing is just insane. Just glad the day is over, tommorow is a new day, what would I possibly do tommorow? Who fkin knows.
Lol apparenly adam sandler got a parking ticket tehee.

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