So on a scale from 1-10, how was last night. I would give it a 8. Thats what I would consider a stupendous night. Lets start from the beginning shall we... So it all began with me getting an unsuspected text from my buddy joe. He tells me theres a party going down by this girl that throws amazing parties. Im extatic about hearing the news so I call up kevin telling him were going. Fastforward a little. We were on our way to the party, I was doing a little pre party, drinking a little. When we got to the party I was intially shocked that there was so many more guys than girls. I had to have faith though that girls would start to show up. (girls did by the way). So, it was kind of a blur. But I cracked a few jokes with the owner as a warm up. What i'm about to tell you is the most secretive thing on planet earth. Dont tell anyone... Practice makes perfect, shhhhh. Anyways, my game was textbook awesome, all the studying I did came in handy. Anyways I walked up to literally like 8 girls asked if they wanted to dance. It was blow out after blow out. No one wanted to dance, I became pissed off, not discouraged. But I had to realize that the party was just starting. A funny thing was that I asked so many girls to dance that I ended up saying "Hey I dont remeber if i asked you already but would you like to dance?" I think I got a couple of "you already asked me". LOL. At that point I entered "god mode", its a term meaning I was in the pickup "zone". After several blowouts I found some girls that wanted to dance. Actually I dont remeber how many girls I danced with but I would guess like 10. (my thoughts are going crazy right now trying to remeber last night). Besides all the dancing, I did alot of approaches, when i say alot i mean ALOT. Whatever girl I thought was cute, I approached. My game was probaly bad when I was talking to a lesbo. I kept forgetting her name even though its pretty easy to remeber, oceana, how the hell do i forget something like that. One mistake I did was spending too much time on the lesbos when i knew i was time constricted. Trying to convert lesbos to straight should be a process in which you have an exponetial amount of time. I talked to this cute girl, I think her name was vannesa. I was doing textbook game on her, closing the gap, touching, got her number. I got another number, i totally forgot who it is from but they wanted to party apparently. Sucked that the party ends so early but its definetly worth the drive. After the party we ended up going to a hookah bar, the security was sick, he let us in even the young ones didnt have i.d. When we were buying our hookah stuff, I saw two cute girls, smiled at them, they smiled back. Fked up because I didnt talk to them. Hookah was pretty fun, did some O's. Really wanted to go see what downtown night life was like so we ended up going to downtown after one sesh. It was pretty cool but it was obvious that everyone was hooked up because it was so late at night. Cant wait till im 21... I talked to like 4 sets, maybe 12 girls total. LOL right after I talked to one set, they were walking away and met up with their friends, then I walked up to them and was about to say a line but then I realized i just talked to them, so i said nevermind and walked away laughing hahahaha. Unfortunatly I didnt get any downtown numbers. I started talking to some girls that were probaly in their mid 20's. They were nice but they werent down for the brown. Downtown is HECTIC at night, I saw two fights. Made me realize that I should definetly take MMA. Not to kick the other guy's ass but mainly to defend myself if need be. The night was a GREAT start to my summer. I wanna give a special thanks to the bad ass pickup artist that helped my game, Cajun.
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