Monday, July 2, 2012

21 day challenge!

You may be wondering, "kind sir what is this 21 day challenge you speak of?" Then I would tell you its 21 magical days of successes & blowouts at pickup. Then this is the part when you ask "kind sir why 21 days, why not 30?" This is the part where I tell you because little one, I will be in Diego for 21 days(not including my first and last day). Rules: If im too lazy to go out, then the following day I will have to receive x2 the amount of numbers mission: 2 numbers a day. Yes, you read it right a measly 2 numbers a day. In the words of a Wiseman, "can we do it? YES WE CAN!"-bob the builder. This'll be the gaunlet drop to the best summer recorded in history(at least maybe second best).

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