Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Learning the difference between a black and white situation...

    When I say a black and white situation, I don't mean the races, I mean an actual situation where something is right and something is wrong. I learned through a lot of days and nights of pick up that everything is GRAY in pick up. Why am I saying this? Because there are so many variables, situations, atmospheres, environments, etc... You can go in with the biggest plan but the chances of that scenario actually go planned as rehearsed is one to none. Every guy's style is different, some are naturals which are the lucky few that probably never studied an ounce of pick up their whole life, then those are the guys that studied pickup and applied it, then those are the ones that studied pickup but never actually go out and attempt it.
    My true journey started out when I was a semi-natural, believe me I was no James bond. I just talked to women with because of the simple fact I was the only brother of five sisters. Once I found out that this shit is fucking awesome, I then stumbled upon a few videos which sparked my interest in pickup. That forever changed my perspective.
   The whole point of this post really is just to share my thoughts. Another thought I've been having is what my next job occupation in life is going to be, the one currently im in isn't great and I don't love what I do. I want something a little more unstructured, something where i'm the boss, where I can teach people but also learn about myself and life in general. Im just rambling on and on... But I thought about creating a business about pickup/dating coach. I am in no way ready to assume the position as a dating coach, but as for a pickup coach, I do believe im ready for that position.
   The reason I don't believe I could be a dating coach yet is because I've never really been that great at dating, i'm great at the initial approach, taking her on a couple dates, getting laid, then calling it quits on her. I never really go above and beyond. I've also learned about my self is that I can really get caught up in the moment if the "pussy was good." I've said and done some things that would strongly relate to Ted Mosby from "How I met your mother".

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