Friday, November 1, 2013

a little change of heart

All my life, I have been a pretentious, under appreciative, spoiled, inconsiderate brat. A recent event had me thinking, thinking extremely hard, I do believe I handled the situation in the most appropriate way. It really opened my eyes to the wonders of actually helping others and being less of a self centered douche. What I've been telling my self lately is :"just be nice, be niceeee, no matter how irritating the situation is, just remain calm, money is just money, family and friends are more important, etc. etc." Lately its been taking a positive impact on my life, not so much on my wallet, but that isn't the most important thing in the world compared to being a great person potentially a great leader. I've been doing a lot of thinking about my future, and I just wanna blow everyone out of the water with all the great things I've been doing. I wanna get my name recognized to create a better for my self and my family. Getting promoted is pretty tough in my position, but not only do I want to get promoted, I want to become a better overall person and be stamped a leader. Better days are definitely on the way....

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