Sunday, March 24, 2013

when im sad, i stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story.

So yesterday was pretty awesome and all but it just doesn't feel right...

      I ended up fucking one of the girls that I believed had potential... But it just didn't feel right. This girl doesn't have the potential I thought she had. I was told by a wise person, "if shes easy she won't be amazing, if shes amazing then she won't be easy." I've learned this before and im not gonna fk this up again. Not again.
      The girl that is left with potential is hard to crack because one second she wants me then the next she doesn't want anything to do with me. Its an immature thing to do and would rather her be straight forward but shes in high school(18 years old) so I can see why she's playing these childish games. Maybe its not a good idea to even bother with this girl, BUT i'm in a state of mind to do any challenges. That barney Stinson mindset.
     On another note, im thinking of cutting myself off from alcohol completely. I have a feeling it wont work out but I think I should start slow, like a week of zero alcohol then one day of drinking, etc. I feel like I could perfect my game if I left alcohol out of my system but then again if I were to do night game then alcohol could be either a boost or a crutch. Still undecided on my decision

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