And my eyes have been opened so far. I'm impressed by a guy named Mystery, his style is something I could definitely partake in. Then theres some other PUA's that a more decisive style with a lot more steps and honestly just confusing. I'm planning on testing out mystery's theory tonight.
Heres the condensed list of mystery method.
1) walk in to the club with a HUGE smile. See the first group with the target and approach instantly following the 3 second rule.
2)recite a memorized opener if not two or three in a row.
3)the opener should open the entire group not just the girl. When talking, ignore the target for the most part and if theres men then focus your attention on the men
4)Neg the target with one the slew negs that could be googled.
5)convey personality to the entire group with humor,jokes, magic, etc.
6)Neg the target again if need be.
7) ask everyone how everyone knows each other, and at this point you'll find out if anyone is in a relationship, if the target is taken by someone there then simple say "pleasure meeting you"
8)if shes unspoken for, tell the entire group that you've been alienating their friend for a while and ask if she can be spoken to for a couple minutes
9)isolate her and grab her by the hand and tell her your gonna show her something. If she squeezes then that's an IOI.
10) sit with her and perform runw reading, esp test or any other test that will fascinate and intrigue her
11)tell her "beauty is common but what's rare is a great energy and outlook on life. tell me what do you have inside that would me make me want know you more than just a mere face in the crowd" if she begins listing qualities = IOI
12)stop talking and if she reintiates the conversation with a question with the word 'so' then you've got all 3 IOI's
13)kiss close time. out of the blue say "would you like to kiss me?" if the setting or circumstances of the current circumstance to physical intimacy then give a time constraint by saying "I gotta go but we should continue this" then get her number and leave
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