Friday, November 23, 2012


Today was the perfect case of the bitch butterflies, it was absolutely terrible, no excuses. Well actually i have one legit excuse, most of the girls looked under age but there was the occasional cute girl. The only girl that seemed the most attractive to me was the girl with a sleeve tattoo, did i approach, nope. Its hard not to regret it but it's best to move forward. I guess today was the first step of getting back into the game.
Tommorow is a new day, here's my game plan for tommorow (i should be using this plan everyday). Break through and machine gun through girls to get into the social mood. Hopefully reach god mode within the first hour of the night so i can enjoy the rest of my night. "don't dip your toe in the pool, just jump in to enjoy the rest of the swim". Im big on quotes and that's my favorite when im about to start gaming.
im heading to downtown then either a club or strip club, im excited and down for whatever, i just don't want to waste my weekend. That was a random last sentence, oh well lol.

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