Tuesday, November 20, 2012

inspiration through the roof

I've never been so inspired in my life, well I've probably have but this is the first time sober where I've been this inspired.so it's been multiple events in my life that have reawakening my inner awesomeness.first I needed a boost to get my player skills back up so I watched some simple pick up to regain that knowledge and mojo.then while I was in class today I learned an acronym that is mainly used in battle for my job but can be used in ANY situation,I blanked out on the acronym but I'll make a separate post on it some other day. Also today I had an instructor that was probably top 5 of the funniest guys I ever met, but at the same guy he was an absolute douche bag to us.anyways the instructor told us a quote that blew me away even with it's simplicity, `amateurs practice to get it right, professionals practice to perfect`. I love quotes and this is one that will stick with me for a while.

    On a fun, exciting, no more inspirational bs  note, going out this weekend.well hopefully if we don't get put on lockdown for other peoples dumb mistakes. I wanna make the most fun I can get without getting in trouble. I know my history involves allot of going out, get fucked up and expect great results but the tables have turned. It's now, stay sober and be a fucking awesome and expect great results. Worked before and it'll work again...

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