Tonight was a greatttt night, I'm not sure exactly why, a mixture of events perhaps. These types of nights NEED to be scarce, it's something you should always be able to look forward to. It shouldnt be an 'every weekend' type of deal. So let me start off my story...
So I was scrolling through my facebook, saw that there was a party going down about 15 minutes from here. Then I do the usual, text kevin, tell him if he wants to go, 100% yes all the time. So we head to the gas station, I pay for gas. He's happy because I just hooked him up with half a tank+. So on the drive there, I was thinking to myself, "Man i've been just sitting down all day, not exactly in the party mood." When we arrived to the party location, 3 girls were walking towards us on the street. So I ask them hows the party going, they tell me it was wack because no one was there yet. So that dropped my party mood even lower than it was before.
The party was somewhat getting ''poppin''. I was wall flowering it tonight, seriously wasn't in the party mood. I was basically checking out chicks, they were checking out me (you know when girls are checking you out because they look at you, and giggle with their friend.) Frankly I wasn't in the pickup mood either. As the night progress, my boredom reached new heights. When I decided to go outside, one of the chicks checking me out asks me for my name. She told me I was hot, it was a nice change from me hitting on girls to vice versa. I tried to start a conversation with her but she turned around. I was like wow, this chick is terrible at conversating. So I was like whatever ho.
A couple minutes later as I was walking into the house someone grabbed my ass. It was ANOTHER girl that was checking me out. After she grabbed my ass, I turned around and smiled, asked for her name. (Didnt remeber it, didnt really care.) She asked if I wanted to dance, I rejected her. She looked bummed as she walked away.
I was pretty much the ONLY sober person there me outta probaly about 100. You could smell the weed in the air. It was horrific, I know i used to smoke, but I despise the smell now for some reason. So as I bask in the teen ambience, someone yells out, "COPS!" MY FIRST REACTION, RUN. So I make my way to the backyard, and go thru one of the holes in the fence. I make my way over to the right, I was cornered by houses. So I calculated my chances, I saw tons of people coming my way, I was alone. So I decided to try to go through one of the backyard houses. I came by the side of the house, and an automated light came on, scared the hell out of me. So I ninja my way out of the random person's backyard. I saw that people were running through a park ahead of me.
So I checked for any visible cops, I made a run for it. Running through ice plant, thick tall grass, and up a flight of stairs. I meet a fellow party person at the top, had a nice little conversation with him on what I just went through. So I made my way through what looked like apartments/houses. I began to become lost. Became so lost that it took about 20 minutes to find the car. Never heard so many idiots honk and scream at me, nothing I couldnt handle. Made it home, was absolutely thirsty.
This was a great night, there was fun,action,comedy. Basically was a movie because this all happened within about 2 hours. You may be asking, "why didn't you bang those chicks". Like what I said before, I just was feeling the party vibe. I blame hours of sitting down. Let this be a lesson to me, when its the weekend, stay active most of the day. Also being sober can actually have its perks. I'm glad I had the self control and not drink, when the party is too sketchy then i'll avoid drinking.
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