Monday, August 13, 2012

Sounds legit...

 I was browsing the simple pickup forums and stumbled upon a website that basically teaches you 'how to not give a fuck'. The way they put it is actually a comfortable mental status of not giving a fuck, you don't have to do anything stupid "to not give a fuck." One of the bullet points is....

 "Don’t ignore the problems you face. Rather, come to terms with them."

        This is something I was on board with yearssss ago. This came into play for 90% of the situations I came into, why not 100%? Well not every problem is something you CANT contemplate about, some problems are sometimes just something that consisently on your mind but you can't help it.

        Heres a couple more interesting things I read on the website.

  "Death should be your constant reminder to make the most of your situation.  Every second that passes, you are dying and you have less time to do what you have always wanted to do. Don’t have any regrets when you take your last few gasps of air. "

    "Understand fear – Most fear is irrational. Fear is the result of your brain jumping into cyclical thought patterns and then producing neurotransmitters that you perceive as fear.  But if you really analyze what’s going on, you will see your brain is automatically jumping to conclusions that may or may not happen.  And if your fear is realized, is it really as bad as you had envisioned?  Fear is your enemy.  Recognize it, and know that you can remove it immediately."

        I can't help but think that this website was made for pickup. Not only for pickup but for everyday life. But I prefer to use most of the advice it gives you for a pickup standpoint.

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