Saturday, May 18, 2013

not so much...

Im not into the game much anymore, actually at all. I don't study it, don't practice it, but I do like watching footage of PUA's at work. I like to see and compare their styles. I'm happily in a relationship right now, and im not one to cheat, so the game isn't really the thing anymore. Im going to pick it back up at one point but for now im just cruising on the relationship boat, its a nice boat btw.
On the other hand I've recently got into weightlighting/bodybuilding. Its a good time occupant. I don't just spend time in the gym and go home and forget everything and eat whatever. I study nutrition, techniques for lifting, different supplements, and cook constantly. Its like a hobby, it takes a lot of dedication and effort. Im currently at 170.6 lbs trying to reach 200 by the end of the year, its a huge leap but I have the right mindset right now to get me to that goal. Im at a slender athletic build right now. Taking about 6 different supplements, you bet your paycheck im drinking a lot of liquids.

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