Tuesday, April 23, 2013

on the fence...

im currently in some what of a relationship now, she told me not to put a label on it "bf/gf". Since shes leaving to California in like 2 months. it sucks knowing shes a cool girl and all but I have to get my gaming mindset back on track. its hard to get the mindset back when shes damn near always on my mind. so im just on the fence of how im going to do things for the next 2 months. since technically im not her boyfriend then its just us talking and sex, so friends with benefits? I don't know.
   I'm not one to cheat, im strongly against it but i'm not in a labeled relationship. I feel like it would be wrong to have relations with another girl, but I don't want to lose my gaming momentum/mojo. I want to keep my peak and never fall from it. I feel like if I just hang on the coat tails of this girl then i'd end up regretting it and doing something stupid, like falling for her. It would just be an empty investment, so i'm just gonna try to keep my options open and keep on opening sets. Because i'll have to find her replacement and i'd rather have the replacement up for bat than looking for one after she leaves.
    it's gonna be tough though, like I said before i'm still in that relationship mentality, I gotta cut the crap and get my head out of the relationship ass. I'm not saying I don't want a relationship, i'm saying that this girl is an empty investment, only thing coming out of this which is nice, is sex, but that can only go so far.
    Let the games begin....

Sunday, April 14, 2013

when you finally reach it, what next?

So, I've studied the art of pickup for about two years now. What I've never studied is how to keep a relationship going. I've reached the point of pickup that every PUA is looking for (at least a majority of them), the perfect girl. Ofcourse theres some circumstances that goes with this girl but, as a person and not including her past or future, I really like her. but the thing with me is that i'm terrible with relationships, and I am a little afraid that if this girl actually begins to work out that she'll be gone anyways because shes leaving for college. its a fucked up situation and this is a reason falling for someone should be the right person otherwise, well you know how it ends...
ugh shitty. anyways, summary: I like a girl, know pickup better than relationships, shitty feeling aka butterflys.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

jack of all traits...

definitely not keeping up with that type of mindset, although I think about it quite often
, I just gotta keep the motion going. As long as I can think it then I can do it. It worked before, it'll work again...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

a mild case of the "one-itis"

ONEitis ; is a common case of being fixated on ONE particular girl that he's consumed an exponential amount of time with yet has not been laid by her yet, it is very disastrous for a pickup artist because he then stops going out to meet other women.

Ok I have a MILD case of ONEitis with the high school girl. My game is on POINT. but i'm having trouble with my timing well because she is always busy with school or whatever. But I've just realized that me putting myself on hold (not completely, i'll say why not completely in a little). She's been getting information about me through other people and that's her way of getting to know me, which pisses me off. I want a girl to get to know me through me, not through others opinions. Sure i'm a pick up artist but i'm not following some stupid routines, or gimmicks. I'm being my self, just a lot more amplified!

Anyways I haven't been completely on hold because the other night I went out with some of my co workers to a club. And I was pretty drunk, wasn't trying to do game but I made out with a good amount of girls and only got one number. Usually when I try to really game my night would end with about 3-4 numbers, but honestly fuck the amount of numbers, I want quality over quantity anyday.

Back to ONEitis, the way I was told to cure it was to bang out a dozen girls, and if I still have the same feelings about the same girl then there truly is something there.

Something I've strayed from was the quote "Boys make excuses, men make changes." time to make some changes