Thursday, January 10, 2013

the countdown

T-minus 30 days till I'm in England. Soooooo damn excited! I was also informed that it's hard to be stationed somewhere else other than Europe once you come here. So I'm gonna enjoy a good 6 years over here and be able to say I traveled Europe and poetically some Asia. I'm motivated more than ever right now.I'm saving up, working out and just staying focused on work. Definitely trying to stay out of trouble.the thing is that if I get hurt, in trouble, etc then they will hold me back in training which could knock into getting a different station. It is sort of complicated if your not in the military. I'm hoping for the best and expecting the worse

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I've been posting terrible posts lately do to the fact I've been doing them off my phone, it's annoying because it auto corrects me then im too lazy to go back and fix the mistakes... Anyways, ive been a bad mood the last couple of days so I had to do some soul searching, found what I needed, now im running with it and feel a lot better. I'm feeling a lot more optimistic! The song "good day-nappy roots" Realllyyyyyy brightens up my day.
Pickup is just a natural thing, I don't really post about it anymore because interactions are so smooth that I totally forget about what I did, unless I intentionally look at what im doing. Right now im gonna slow down on pickup because I don't really wanna go off base unless its for something important. Im trying to save money for England and I also wanna meet some financial goals this year. Taxi's are just ridiculous, even the cool taxi drivers charge you too much.
I have a ridiculously funny yet saddening story about when I was at the casino hotel party... My ego is kinda hurt and my relations with the girl are somewhat weird. Shes not some random sleeze, shes actually a girl I've known since high school freshman year. She's a good girl and definetly talented at some things lol. Anyways ill save the hotel casino party for another post and another day...

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Been a while since my last post, been extremely busy. I was at an army base for about 3 weeks doing some training was not fun.then I went back home to San Diego and had an extremely fun time, too bad it was such a sort amount of I'm back in Texas to finish up some more training before I go back to San Diego then I'm off to England.
Recently watched some videos on YouTube by this guy named skyy join. He's a cool guy from the Bahamas with tons of enthusiasm, honestly I don't know where he gets it all. He took a trip visiting Asian countries. He didn't make hardcore plans, he back packed his entire time there he was constantly on urge move.I thought that was such a cool and efficient easy to travel.I definitely woody mind doing that.he's also been to ALLOT of other parts of the world which I think is absolutely great! He's inspiring me to really go travel once I'm out of the military, yes we get to travel but I only get a certain about of days to have leave.I would like to have all the time in the world. Once I go to England, I'm gonna try and knock out as many countries in Europe that I can so I can get Europe out of the way. Then I'll head in to Asia maybe.
New subject, as for new years resolutions,I don't really have any. I just wanna see my family and go to England. That's all I want this year.